Journal of Nano Simulation (JONS) is launched as a quarterly journal under the license of Damghan University and publishes research and review articles in the field of molecular dynamics simulation, quantum mechanics, chemometrics, artificial intelligence, programming and software development in nano (nanostructures, nanomaterials; nanocomposites, nanomedicines, nanotubes, nanowires, nanoalloys, etc.) with free access, online and multidisciplinary.
JONS publishes peer reviewed high quality open access papers in various fields of simulation in Nano. The primary aim of this publisher is to perform fast and reliable process for contributors. Once a paper is accepted, our staffs work hard to provide online version of the papers as quickly as possible. All papers are assigned valid DOI number once they appear online just to make sure that the other people researchers cite them while no volume and numbers are still assigned to the papers. We believe this could help the existing knowledge grow faster; however, the actual publication of a paper with volume and number will not exceed more than 4 months.
We provide online version of all accepted papers on our website and keep them for a while just to make sure the work is original before assigning any volume and number. However, in case of dispute we take the necessary actions, promptly.
In JONS we do our best to contribute to scientific society by publishing original works. Please support us with your valuable comments.